Denktas warns over Annan plan

President Rauf Denktas said on Monday there had been no appropriate response from the EU on the issue, which was one of the basic requirements of the Turkish Cypriot side.
“Unfortunately, the information we got from the EU is not satisfying. They’ve told us so far that they would try to provide harmony,” he said. “But now when we ask for a definite answer to our question as to whether the EU would make the derogations a primary law or not, they tell us that these can’t be permanent, they could be valid for a temporary period of time and they’ve started to talk about its difficulties.”
Speaking after the conclusion of the eleventh round of United Nations sponsored talks aimed at brokering a reunification of the two states on Cyprus, Denktas said that the plan put forward by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, if adopted as it was, would mean a complete change to the way of life of Turkish Cypriots.