Denktas Ponders Annan’s Invitation

When asked whether the letter was indeed an invitation to restart the negotiations, Denktas replied in the affirmative and then continued to say: “We have learned only today what the Greek press knew for the past week. There is always close trafficking with the Greek press. This really upsets us.”

Asked whether he conveyed this disturbance to Annan, Denktas said, ‘We have now.’

Denktas was then asked why he stayed an extra day in Ankara, to which he replied that he along with TRNC Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat and Foreign Minister Serdar Denktas evaluated the situation amongst themselves and decided it would be prudent to extend their Ankara visit. “We said, ‘let’s do it while we are already in Ankara in case something should come up. If a mutual interaction is necessary, we said, ‘let’s do that as well’.”