Denktas: I Gave the Consent to My Grandson

Rauf Denktas said, "My grandson asked for my consent. And I gave permission.
The Greek Cypriots destroyed the Republic of Cyprus in 1963. My grandson applied to enjoy the EU rights; it is not for the Greek nationality."

The President added, "Up-to-now, I did not say that the ones receiving (Greek Cypriot) identity cards and passports were traitors. If someone proves that I said, he shall come and put it in front of me. If I had said it in the past, it is probably for a different event; we can explain it."

Denktas defended his grandson as follows: "To receive a Greek Cypriot passport means in no way to recognize the Greek Cypriot. It means struggling to regain our EU rights step by step and not letting them seized.