Denktas: Coalition parties have EU money

Denktas said that the Greek Cypriot press stated in their newspaper headlines that "the opposition got united to get rid of Denktas and supporters of Denktas."

"This is not a new thing, the opposition has always been united against us. The thing that matters is whether they can deceive the people. We opened the border gates. The people who were deceived started to see the realities. Turkish Cypriots who went to the other side saw that Turkish houses in 103 villages including the village of my father which we left there were all in ruins. What else did they see? The Greek Cypriot side expropriated the majority of our territories by using the title of ‘government.’ But no money has been given to anybody, no information has been given to anybody. They are all revealed now," said Denktas.

In response to Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos’s words as, “There would be no agreement as long as Denktas exists. I would not talk to him,” Denktas said today that it would not be able to reach an agreement if they do not talk the issue.

"How can we understand each other and reach an agreement if you don’t talk to me? We have opened doors and we have called on them to speak. But, they say no because they are afraid of realities," Denktas said.

Denktas noted that they opened doors to settle the issue of property through exchange or compensation, but the Greek Cypriot administration was not willing to do that and frightened its citizens.

"If it is so, who wants compromise and who doesn’t want it? Therefore, we have a long path. But, we are patient. If we act patiently, and we will do so, you will see that they start to think why ‘these men’ (Turkish Cypriots) have not come if the Greek Cypriots are accepted to the European Union (EU) in May and if the EU makes this mistake. They will think how this opposition has deceived them and it can represent people and how they have made this mistake," Denktas said.

Denktas stated, "and, they will open a new door. We will join the EU together with Turkey. We have to be prepared and we have to be economically improved. We are ready to discuss these with the EU and will do so if they consider us a state."

Denktas noted that they would start to seek for their rights in court, and thus the world would start to see the facts that it avoided to see so far. Underlining that there were two sides in Cyprus issue, Denktas stressed that decisions given without listening to both sides were not valid.