Denktas: Annan Plan Is Not On Table

Denktas stated that they had to conduct an operation with Greek Cypriots in order to bring Annan plan to the table, adding that ”the operation wanted by the Greek Cypriot side, is let’s say a kidney operation, but the operation we want is a heart operation. We stand in front of the patient, we think: should we do this or that? If the diagnosis is not made now, the diagnosis made by Annan plan about Cyprus will turn Turkish Cypriots into a minority in a short period of time. If this fact is not seen by us, pressure will increase forcing us to discuss Annan plan. But the whole world knows that this diagnosis is wrong and it won’t be useful if it is brought to table with this form because the amendment wanted by the Greek Cypriots will be to our disadvantage, and the amendment we want won’t be accepted by Greek Cypriots.”

”There is no meaning to insist on a plan which is not wanted by both sides,” said Denktas and noted that ”Mr. Erdogan says that the plan exists, this is also told by the U.N., but he didn’t say that it was on the table, because it is not on the table. I don’t see the possibility of its being on the table at the moment,” he said.

Denktas noted that Greek Cypriots announced that they didn’t have the intention to have serious negotiations with the Turkish side until December elections, adding ”they wait for the elections. They think that a team who will give Cyprus as a gift to Greek Cypriots will come to power in TRNC… If we claim ownership on us and our state, Greek Cypriots will understand that they will not be able to do the things which they earlier could not do with guns, also through EU. They won’t do the things which they could not do with guns by tricking our people. We must stand on our feet, trust the motherland and ourselves.”


Speaking in a meeting with businessmen, Denktas said that the Turkish properties in the Greek Cypriot side were plundered, expropriated and Greek Cypriot title deeds were given instead of them and no place was left for Turks to return.

Denktas stated that they would open a lawyer’s office to ease the proceedings for Turkish Cypriots to suit files for compensation.

Giving examples from the negative sides of the plan submitted by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, Denktas said that they had communal equality in 1960 constitution, but there was individual equality in Annan plan. Denktas stressed that Turkish Cypriots could become minority in a short period of time by giving political equality to Greek Cypriots who would come and live with Turkish Cypriots. Annan plan rendered ineffective Guarantee Agreement which was very important for Turkish Cypriots, Denktas said.

Underlining that Cyprus could not become a member of the EU which Turkey was not a member in accordance with 1960 agreement, Denktas said that ”Turkey is not in EU yet, there are 15-20 years ahead of it if EU is going to admit Turkey. If we approve the plan, the rights of Turkey on Cyprus will be removed. This is the game. They hurry up because of this game. If not, they can’t put forward Cyprus as an impediment in front of Turkey.”

Denktas stated that not Turkey, but Greek-Greek Cypriot couple caused the Cyprus problem, adding that ”here, in Turkish Cypriot side, there is a group who made agreement with the EU, who got money from the EU and who do the things told by the EU. They do their best to deceive our people. However, there is a majority against them who say that ‘we can’t join the EU without Turkey, we want peace and compromise, but we want it without giving up our state, sovereignty and Turkey.”

Denktas stated that economy would be better with the protocols made with Turkey, adding that ”according to a plan, Turkish Cypriot side will be announced as free zone. If this is made, this will be good for us even if we join the EU or not… In fact, if we don’t enter the EU, we will have greater advantages.”

Denktas stressed that the ship cruises from Antalya to TRNC would be good for TRNC.

Denktas noted that Greek Cypriots didn’t see Turks as partners to date, they sat around the negotiation table for tactical reasons and deceived the world acting as if they negotiated with us and that the sides could not reach an agreement due to that. He added that Greek Cypriots saw that Turkish Cypriots were equal to them following the opening of the border gates. Denktas stated that this would balance the negotiation basis, adding that ”but we must be very resolved. We must announce to the world that we won’t accept an agreement which will end our state, our sovereignty, and the guarantee of Turkey.”

The Greek Cypriot side is indexed on the elections to be made in TRNC in December, Denktas stated, adding that Greek Cypriots hoped the opposition in TRNC to win the elections.

Denktas stated that he trusted the common will of the people, adding that ”people know very well what kind of game is played. Thus, they will give the correct decision during the elections. There is a big majority who understands the things we tell, who claim the state, sovereignty, who know the importance of Turkey’s guarantee, and the fact that joining the EU without Turkey would be a disaster for us… When this group wins in, then Greek Cypriots will tell that ‘it is time to take Turkish Cypriots seriously’.”

Denktas noted that a big operation was made to separate Turkey and Turkish Cypriots, adding that ”there are newspapers published by using the money of foreigners, there are some journalists who have been hired here.”

Denktas pointed out that the necessary response would be given to those who wanted to play the game of becoming close friends with Greek Cypriots and who would vanish.