Cyprus – Denktas: I didn’t quarrel with FM Gul

TRNC President Denktas received Kayseri Industry Chamber’s executive board members the same day.

Speaking during the meeting, TRNC President Rauf Denktas said that a newspaper in Turkey claimed that he asked money from Gul and he quarreled with Gul as no money was given to TRNC. Denktas stressed that he didn’t quarrel with Gul, Gul was his friend and he didn’t ask Gul for money.

TRNC President Denktas said that Turkish Cypriot people would show its will during the elections in December that they needed Turkey’s guarantee, and that the Turkish-Greek balance on the island should not be disturbed. "When that will is put forward clearly, the solution of Cyprus issue would be closer," he said.

TRNC President Rauf Denktas said that EU in fact didn’t admit a divided and problematic country to membership, but its will to admit Cyprus stemmed from the decision to make Cyprus a Greek island. "But we won’t permit Cyprus turn into a second Crete disaster for Turkey," said Denktas.

Denktas said that "some of the people who mislead people were paid by U.S. and EU," adding that Turkish Cypriots would not exist without Turkey.

Denktas pointed out that Turkey’s guarantorship on Cyprus and its geopolitic rights were permanent, adding that "this is the 13th island. Greeks took the 12 islands, if they also get the 13th island, Turkey’s status of a country which is open to the seas will be prevented. Fortunately Turkey’s Cyprus cause coincides with our rights."

Denktas pointed out that British High Commissioner and EU representative intervened with the elections in TRNC, adding "then these people tell Turkey not to intervene with the elections without feeling ashamed. I ask these people not to intervene, Turkey does not do so."