"Cyprus comments can open a window for solution"

ANKARA (AA) – Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja of Finland said on Friday that the expression in the Continuing Enlargement Strategy Paper of the European Union (EU) Commission about the Cyprus question should be considered positive in regard to opening a window of opportunity for a solution.

Together with Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, Tuomioja held a press conference.

Speaking at the press conference, Tuomioja said that a solution to the Cyprus question was not a pre-condition for Turkey’s accession to the EU, but it was a fact that the Cyprus question should be resolved.

Upon a question about the letter sent by Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen of Finland to then Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit during the Helsinki Summit of 1999, Tuomioja said that the expression about the Cyprus question should be considered positive in regard to opening a window of opportunity for a solution.

Defending that the EU Commission, with the expression, had encouraged Turkey to find a solution to the Cyprus question, Tuomioja said that such a solution would be beneficial for everyone.

When reminded by a journalist that Turkey was sensitive about recognition of the PKK/KADEK by the EU as a terrorist organization, Tuomioja said that despite the talks, a consensus could not be reached among member countries yet.

Noting that acts of violence, murder and terrorism were, of course, unacceptable, Tuomioja highlighted importance of fight against terrorism.

Pointing out that Finland had some bitter experiences about terrorism because of the civil war in 1918, Tuomioja said that his country could not take a final decision yet about recognition of the PKK/KADEK as a terrorist organization.

Referring to bilateral relations between Turkey and Finland, Tuomioja recalled that he was the first Finnish foreign minister paying an official visit to Turkey.

Tuomioja said that they would pleased with sharing their EU experiences with Turkey.

Noting that there were not any problem between the two countries on the bilateral level, Tuomioja said that regional problems, especially Iraq and the Middle East, were brought onto agenda during his meeting with Gul.

Pointing out that they were quite sure that Turkey would join the EU family, Tuomioja said that they appreciated reforms in Turkey.

He highlighted importance of implementation of the reforms.

Meanwhile, Gul said in his part that ways to further improve economic relations between the two countries were discussed at the meeting.

"Finland has a special place in our history since it hosted the EU Summit in which Turkey’s candidacy to the EU was officially announced," he said.