Cypriot-Turks See Light at End of EP Tunnel

E.P. elections would be repeated on both sides of Cyprus and the Cypriot-Turks would be guaranteed two seats in the E.P. if a solution is reached on the island within the next five years. The Transportation, Telecommunication and Energy Council is expected to approve the European Commission’s proposal later today. The Commission insisted that the decision must be approved prior to the E.P. elections on June 10-13.

The Cypriot-Greek side reportedly did not cause any trouble while the proposal was being prepared.

Meanwhile, various media report that E.U. Commissioner for Enlargement Günther Verheugen could become the ‘super commissioner’ for economy and industry. According to the news, France and Germany support Verheugen’s new position; therefore, it is almost certain that Verheugen will become the ‘super commissioner.’