Congressman Wexler reacts Wolfowitz’s remarks on Turkey

Although relations have been strained between the United States and Turkey, I believe we have an extraordinary opportunity to work together to rebuild Iraq and bring greater security, prosperity and democracy to the region. The U.S.-Turkish relationship must be reinvigorated in light of recent world events in order to breath new life into our strategic alliance for the 21st century," Wexler said. Wolfowitz angered many in Turkey on Tuesday when he said in a television interview that in order to repair bilateral ties, Ankara should admit it made a mistake by denying the United States support in the war against Iraq. He also slammed Turkey’s recent intensification of ties with Syria and Iran, who share concerns that any moves towards self-rule by Kurds in northern Iraq could spark unrest among their own Kurdish minorities, and urged Ankara to tow Washington’s line vis-a-vis its two neighbours. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan rebuffed Wolfowitz’s remarks, saying that Ankara "never made a mistake" in its Iraq policy.