Closing the Gap with Greece

For those who wonder how people perceive the issues on both countries’ agendas, it is enough to follow the latest positive developments in Cyprus. But for the statesmen who have hung iron curtains in the minds of Turks and Greeks and promoted the idea that Turks and Greeks can never live together, the breakthrough is problematic. The close ties between people of the two countries show that the prejudices of the statesmen are really political myths on the verge of extinction.

It is useless to claim that as soon as relations develop, the Greeks would go the same route as the Armenians. Strong relations with our neighbors is necessary for a powerful Turkey. Turkey must be opened to the world. Statesmen who create enemy scenarios in the steppes of Anatolia are sending not exterior but interior messages.

The developments in Cyprus spell hope for Turkey. This issue featured prominently at Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul’s meeting with Papandreu held last Saturday. Joint opinion: "Even if a solution to the Cyprus problem isn’t found immediately, the talks will be an important step in the right direction." The matter can only be resolved through political will, on both sides. Turks of both TRNC and Turkey will be relieved.

If the leadership on both sides of the island are disturbed by these developments and are ready to create even the smallest problems, no one should pay any attention to their words.


Another development is the relationship built in recent years by the Ministry of Energy, which has made important inroads in the transfer of natural resources to Europe via Greece.

The Greek Turkish Energy Forum will be held on May 8-9 in Athens, Greece, under the joint-auspices of Greek-Turk Business Council and Greek-Turk Chambers of Commerce. Sharing something in common will be a tool to develop common interests and establish common goals which will help to strengthen relations.

Turkey, which wants to construct an East-West Energy Corridor to transfer oil and gas from fuel-rich sources in the Caspian region to Western markets, has no other option than establishing good and strong relations.

The Greek side sees the value of this project as a geo-strategic energy connection to Southeastern Europe.

The project will help Turkey establish closer co-operation with the European employment and technology market and aid the movement towards EU membership.