Clerides makes interesting remarks

He said, "If the opposition wins then I will reach the conclusion that Turkey has really taken a decision in favor of a solution in Cyprus. If, once again, Denktas’s team wins, I will end up thinking that Ankara does not want a solution."

In other words, according to Clerides, Ankara holds the key and the decision to reach a solution in Cyprus regardless of what happens depends on Ankara’s resolve.

He was right.

These days Rauf Denktas is the Greek Cypriots’ biggest ally. The Southern Cyprus political circles’ approach to this issue is one of "Don’t let us strain ourselves too much. Denktas will confuse Ankara’s mind anyway, ensure that no new proposal will be presented by May 2004."

They are hoping to get rid of the Annan Plan by hiding behind Denktas.

Clerides thinks differently.

Much more importantly, it is high time the AK Party government took a decision and stood by that decision with determination. We cannot get anywhere if this indecision continues.

Here is another point clarified during our talk with Clerides: Denktas’s only desire is "Sovereignty", that Denktas wants to set up an independent state. Hence the Greek Cypriot side’s determination to the end not to give the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Sovereignty.

What a pity. Both sides are being wrong.

The KKTC does not have the intention to turn Sovereignty into an independent state. Yet Greek Cypriots cannot — or are not willing to — understand that.

Greek Cypriots, meanwhile, neither have the intention nor the power to reduce Turks to minority status and "erode" them. However, the Turkish side cannot — or is not willing to — understand this fact.

One prediction Clerides made should make us all ponder.

He said, "Unless a solution is found, when the issue of whether to give Turkey a date of the start of the accession talks will be discussed — at the EU heads of state and government summit in December 2004 — the Cyprus government will come under heavy pressure due to domestic politics issues to prevent the start of the EU-Turkey talks."

Naturally, Cyprus’s size and influence must not be exaggerated. However, this is a possibility.

Clerides’s words must be taken seriously, considering those EU countries who do not want the EU-Turkey talks to begin but avoid displaying their "No" vote since that would make Ankara angry, countries who would be only too happy to hide behind the Greek Cypriots and Greeks, inciting them.

I did not talk only with politicians in Southern Cyprus. The really important phenomenon is the miracle worked by Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots.

I will dwell on this issue in tomorrow’s article.

So Sezer too is afraid of free thinking
This is the last thing I would have expected: President A. Necdet Sezer believes that "Freedom of Thought" would split up Turkey.

Or could it be that I failed to understand the grounds for his decision to veto the amendment to Article 8?

I have been disappointed because it turns out that a man such as Sezer who believes in international law is afraid of the "Freedom of Thought" a document signed by all EU countries and Turkey — which they have implemented while we have not because of the fear that this would split up Turkey.

We know about the circles that experience that fear, the circles that perpetuate their dominance by injecting their fear into the entire society. We had thought that Sezer was outside those circles. We had thought that he had broad horizons.

Oh, God! Look at the situation Turkey is in.

Those people who are said to be "Islamists who are going to set up a religious state" are carrying us into Europe.

Those who say, "Turkey’s sole direction is the West as pointed out by Ataturk," are now trying to stop Turkey.

As far as we know the estimeed president used to attach great importance to freedom of thought. Yet it now turns out that on "issues related to Turkey’s special position and sensitivities" he thinks no differently than certain circles.