CHP supports President on 2B

The 2B law, which puts the deforested lands on sale, was vetoed by President Sezer once before. If the president does not sign the law once more, he has the right to carry the law to a referendum.

"It is impossible for AKP to escape from the will of the public. It must think how to persuade the public now," said Ozyurek, claiming that the referendum right of the president can only be lifted if the public wants it.

Ozyurek also added that his party will work against the 2B law in coordination with NGOs to prevent the government from plundering the forests. He said that the government decided not to convene Parliament in September after realizing that it could not get enough support from the public to pass the law through Parliament. "The AKP government will not be granted confirmation from the Turkish people to make its own supporters rich," concluded Ozyurek.