Bush Promises Full Freedom Process for World

In his speech at the steps of Congress, Bush focused on freedom and said that the vital interest of America and its deepest beliefs coincide at this point. He said as long as many regions in the world live under authoritarian regimes and are open to ideologies fed with hatred, even the most protective borders cannot provide security and the only way to get rid of this threat is to make people free.

In the freedom process, the institutional models that could emerge in other countries could be different from US’s own tradition and customs Bush pointed out. He said America would not impose their own style of administration on those who are not willing, but they will help them to reach their own paths on the way to freedom.

Stressing that this is a tough job that could take generations, the US President said he believes that the policy of spreading freedom and democracy around the world also serves the interests of US National security and freedom.

Admonishing American people also Bush suggested them to leave racist habits because it is impossible to give the message of freedom if one is a fanatic. He in particular invited the new generation to work for the freedom process.

According to political analysts, implementation of the freedom process that Bush promised requires the review and restructuring of the whole of US foreign policy. The Bush administration are applying strong pressure on some authoritarian regimes in the Islamic world in this direction, but he was criticized for acting "tolerantly" towards China and Russia on this issue.