Bush: Ataturk’s secular vision is important for Turkey

WASHINGTON (AA) – US President George W. Bush issued a message on Thursday upon the 80th foundation anniversary of the Turkish Republic and noted that the vision of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who foresaw a secular, democratic and peaceful Turkey was important today as it was 80 years ago.

Bush said that the US would continue to actively support the admission of Turkey to the EU.

Noting that Turkey and the US had a strong partnership based on shared values, friendship and mutual respect, Bush said that those dynamic relations were surrounded by cooperation in security, energy, trade and human rights.

Bush stated that the partnership strengthened while Turkey was progressing towards EU membership and while the two countries were trying to set up freedom, democracy, tolerance and prosperity in Iraq and the Middle East. The US was grateful to the vital contributions of Turkey to fight with global terrorism including its contribution to the international force in Afghanistan.

Bush remarked that the US supported reforms undertaken in human rights, politics and economics by Turkey, adding that the reforms were important for further development of Turkey, for increasing the prosperity of Turkish citizens, and for being a promising model for the Middle East countries.

Bush stated that the US would continue to support actively the admission of Turkey to the EU and that the US would set up stronger and closer bilateral relations with its ally Turkey more than ever while Turkey continued to undertake reforms.

Bush expressed his best wishes for success and prosperity of Turkish Republic at the end of his message