Bulunc: Cyprus Is Wanted To Be Annexed To Greece By Annan Document

Recalling that some media organs reflected Annan document as an opportunity in which all rights and status of Turkish Cypriot people were protected and taken under guarantee, Bulunc said that Annan plan was not an important opportunity as it was reflected in media, on the contrary, it was a plan which would destroy TRNC. He added that it was a plan which would eliminate Turkey’s rights and status over TRNC and aimed to remove Turkey from island.
He said that the plan envisioned a concession in the territories belonging to Turkish Cypriots under the name of arrangement of borders. Bulunc said, ”they want our territories which are most productive and have strategical importance”, stating that if the territories were given, the lands where Turkish Cypriots were living would become narrow and Greek Cypriots would seize the administration and Turkish people would have to migrate as unemployment would increase. He added that the only aim of plan was to annex Cyprus to Greece indirectly under the name of European Union (EU) membership.
Noting that EU and the United States criticized Turkey harshly and put pressure after the decision which had been taken in The Hague, Bulunc said that the things which were done showed that EU did not give up its Cyprus dream, adding that the new process would be very important and they had to take steps very carefully. He said that Greece and the EU would play new tricks on Turkey to provide strategical superiority on Cyprus.