Blair backs Turkey’s EU bid

Speaking at joint press call with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Blair, who was on a flying visit to Turkey, said that although governments of some countries supported Turkey’s membership of the EU, their public opinions rejected it. This was not the case with Britain, he added.
Saying that some steps should be taken to ease these concerns in public opinions, Blair said that Turkey should implement its reforms on improving religious freedoms and human rights.
However, most of the concerns over Turkey’s becoming a member of the EU stemmed from economic issues, he said.
Blair called on Erdogan to maintain economic reforms and to explain those reforms to European public opinions.
Turning to Cyprus, Blair said the Turkish government’s position on the issue had brought positive results.
Efforts were also being made within the EU to end the international isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Blair said.
If the Greek Cypriot side did not change its attitude, there would be a negative response to the new EU member, the British Prime Minister said.
Blair left Ankara late on Monday evening after dining with Erdogan and other senior Turkish officials.