Between The U.S. And The E.U.

Our friend in Oceania, Australia, as well as Poland, which we have been supporting for many years in Central Europe, have a place at the table where the new order in Iraq will be formed. In addition, for some reason Turkey didn’t even send Turkish Red Crescent aid to Kirkuk.

Our relations with the EU aren’t easy to handle either. Many people in Turkey don’t believe that the European criteria represent the level of modern civilization. They still have failed to comprehend that there’s no level besides the EU that can save us. There are still some people in every institution, organization and party remain dead set against modernization. They defend today’s corrupt order and are afraid that their status quo will be spoiled. They are incapable of doing anything but barking orders. If they had been able to do anything else, our situation would have been different now.

These people have a strong hold in today’s political power structure. They don’t believe in the EU or else they believe they can use it to advance their own ideology. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan should work to overcome these forced. Concessions cannot be made in terms of reforms and revolution.