BDH leader Akinci: Annan plan is balanced

LEFKOSA (AA) – Mustafa Akinci, the leader of the Peace and Democracy Movement (BDH), one of the four political parties who have seats in the parliament of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), expressed belief on Monday that United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General Kofi Annan’s plan for Cyprus was "a balanced plan."

Akinci, who received Czech Ambassador Martin Vavra in the Greek Cypriot side, said that the plan did not foresee a "perfect" scenario for one side and a "terrific" scenario for the other.

BDH leader Akinci noted that it had been seen that some changes could be made in the Annan plan, taking into considerations demands of both Turkish Cypriot and the Greek Cypriot sides.

Akinci stated that it was not realistic to expect very big changes in the plan.

Touching on the results of local elections held in Turkey on Sunday, Akinci said that Justice and Development Party (AK Party) led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan won "a serious victory" in the elections.

Pointing out that Costas Caramanlis had succeeded in the parliamentary elections held in Greece a few weeks ago, Akinci said that both leaders had the opportunity to contribute to Cyprus issue, having the support of their people.

Akinci expressed belief and hope that both Turkey and Greece would seize that historic opportunity in Cyprus negotiations with the support of their people.

TRNC and Greek Cypriot side started Cyprus negotiations on February 19 in order to find a fair and lasting solution to Cyprus issue on the basis of Annan plan.

According to the Cyprus negotiation road map, two sides were expected to attend a quartet conference together with guarantor powers Turkey and Greece after March 22 to discuss issues on which they could not reach any compromise in their negotiations held in the island.

Delegations from TRNC, Greek Cypriot side, Turkey and Greece are trying to reach compromise on several issues in ongoing negotiations in Buergenstock, Switzerland. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to fly to Switzerland later in the day to join the negotiations.

U.N. Secretary General Annan will fill in the blanks left in the plan if participants can’t reach any compromise in quartet meetings, and the text to be formed at the end of all these initiatives will be voted in referenda to be held synchronously in the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides on April 20.