Baykal Tells Socialist World about Islam

Baykal, addressing representatives of the socialist world on the eve of the North Atlantic Treat Organization (NATO) summit, defended that Islam is not a source of terror or violence. While he admitted that there were some terrorist groups that abuse Islamic values, he insisted that totalitarian regimes should be looked to as the source of the problem. "Islam is not responsible for the deficiency of democracy either," added Baykal. "It is the symbol of peace and tolerance."

Baykal stressed that it is no coincidence that two-day meeting, which is being held in the Istanbul Polat Reneissance Hotel, is taking place the same weekend as the NATO summit. The CHP leader announced that SI would discuss the developments in the Middle East and Iraq and then put forth their views at the NATO summit.

Baykal adamantly opposed the notion "Islamic countries can not embrace democracy". He cited Turkey as an example that this notion was untrue. Baykal drew attention to the fact that Turkey separated religion from politics 80 years ago and accepted it as a permanent principle of the Constitution.

"Unfortunately, some political parts ask to substitute Islamic rule in place of the rule of law. Hence, it might be dangerous for the future of the society. We do not believe that democracy can be put in place without first accepting secularism. Secularism must be embraced as a principle in practice as well."