Now it’s impossible to answer these questions, which shows that this appointment is very critical and its result is still uncertain. When Annan sent the letter of invitation to parties, he hoped the new path of negotiations would be opened with the first meeting in New York. However, both Denktas and Papadopoulos stated openly that they hadn’t liked the letter of invitation at all and that certain basic changes must be made in Annan’s plan but they also accepted to go to New York in order not be seen as the party sabotaging negotiations. Interestingly, for the first time Denktas and Papadopoulos are on the same line. They will both reveal their views about the plan and the letter and ask Annan to make certain changes in line with their requests.

Would Annan make such a change? Considering the statements of circles close to Annan, it seems unlikely. In other words, Annan doesn’t plan to bargain with Denktas or Papadopoulos or make changes in the principles of his plan. If this is really Annan’s position, he might be expected to give up the idea of starting the process of negotiation. It’s very unlikely but he might do it because he doesn’t want to be unsuccessful about the Cyprus issue once more. However, giving up is considered the failure, too. Thus, Annan is really in a very difficult situation.

Not only Annan, but also Denktas and Papadopoulos are in difficult situation. If Annan ignores the Turkish side’s requests and insists on continuing the negotiations as he wishes, Denktas would probably withdraw. What would Ankara think then? Would Erdogan’s government decide to continue negotiations? The situation for the Greek Cypriot administration isn’t so good either. Papadopoulos wants to say no to Annan but he tries not to be the party which says it firstly. Consequently, the parties will meet in New York under force.”