Ataturk’s dream is becoming a reality

If he was alive today, he would have been delighted to witness Turkey rapidly approaching the fulfillment of this dream. He would have told those around him what to do in order to accelerate the process. He would have highlighted mistakes made by the government and said, "Let them define their priorities correctly and stop concentrating on the details."

The issue that would have enraged Ataturk the most would have been the public debates taking place. He would have asked: "Do those who argue that our independence is under threat really know what they are talking about?" He would have asked why the current 25 European Union members didn’t lose their independence while Turkey would. Afterwards he would lecture them on the true meaning of independence and cite certain examples of what he had done. He would have told them that independence was directly linked to enrichment and becoming a more transparent nation domestically and internationally.

He would call on those who opposed EU membership in the name of "Kemalism" and teach them a good lesson. He would have said: "Don’t speak in my name. At least know what you are talking about."

One of the matters that would have surprised Ataturk the most would be the accusations exchanged by two public blocs, namely, those for and those against the EU. He would have listened to what was being said and most probably fail to understand what all the fuss was about.

He would have asked: "Please tell me if those who oppose EU membership are for torture, capital punishment and the violation of human rights?"

Even if those around him explained why certain people opposed the EU, he wouldn’t have been satisfied.

He would simply have retorted, "They are abusing my ideals."

Afterwards he would have laughed and most probably have given this advice: "I can see those who always interprets our relations with the EU the wrong way. They constantly talk about how bad ignoring Turkey’s application would be for the EU. Why don’t they talk about the good things Turkey can give to Europe? Additionally, why don’t they talk about the benefits the EU will bring to Turkey? Why don’t they see that the glass is half full and not half empty? I say dismiss this backward attitude and carry Turkey to the top table."

Despite everything, he would have been pleased with what he saw.

If ANAP and DYP are a little wise…
Actually this has been going on for a long time, but I would like to mention it just once more.

People are truly exasperated with reports about the merger of the True Path Party (DYP) and the Motherland Party (ANAP). Maybe they don’t know it yet, but if they don’t unite, one of them will be destroyed entirely, while the other will remain a small party.

Wouldn’t that be unfortunate?

If they unite, they may become strong enough to face up to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Without wishing to insult anyone; the truth is that ANAP members, when compared to DYP members, are more intellectual. When both parties unite they will create a synergy that will be a force to be reckoned with. Moreover, if there is anyone that can tell me the ideological difference between the two parties, please step forward and do so.

Today is the day of reckoning.

Neither party should try to dominate the other. Enough is enough. Use your heads and unite, if not, you’ll both become extinct.