ASA Will Join the Federation of Turkish American Associations..

Eleven years long International mediations and good will, The Republic of Azerbaijan showed immense intentions to settle the conflict by peaceful means. However, Armenia still continues its occupation of the territories of sovereign UN Member State Azerbaijan and still ignoring the good will of International community.

ASA and FTAA will urge main UN bodies responsible for International peace and security and request distinguished Secretary-General to take practical measures to force Armenian aggressors to free Azerbaijan’s lands and to force Armenian occupants to stop violating human rights of nearly 1 million Azerbaijani refugees.

May 8th also marks the 11-year anniversary of the occupation of Shusha, the heart of Karabagh. The entire culturally rich with brilliant musicians and eloquent poet population, numbering tens of thousands fled for their lives when Armenian troops advanced the city. ASA and FTAA will call upon United Nations to start implementing all UN Resolutions in order to stop rogue nations for carrying out crimes against humanity.

The demonstration will be on May 8 at 11:30 am in front of UN headquarters.

This Press Release provided by ASA