Armenians in US Send a Thank You Letter to Governor of Erzurum

Erzurum Metropolitan Area Mayor Mahmut Uykusuz said that after the celebrations a group of Armenians and Turks living in Chicago, US sent a joint letter expressing their pleasure to the Governorship of Erzurum. A joint letter penned on March 16th 2003 by 15 Turkish Americans conveys the following statement:

"We are the Turkish American citizens living in Chicago. We watched on Turkish television [channels] with joy and pride that the scene of Turk-Armenian clashes has been removed during the Independence Day celebrations of Erzurum. As being the children of the same country and the same land, it is time for us to forget disputes of the past. In comparison to the situation the world is in today, setting examples to the other countries by living as friends, brothers, and as humans, made us very happy. We are proud of Erzurum. We believe in that the 21st century will be a century of love and brotherhood."