Arinc: US also responsible for Palestinian massacre

Responding to journalists’ questions on an Israeli military drive into Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip this week, Arinc said:

"We are watching the tragic acts [committed] against humanity with great sorrow. As speaker of parliament, I offer condolences on behalf of the nation. Inhumane attacks against innocent women, children and civilians [are against] international law. It is massacre and brutality to kill human beings with rockets. I strongly condemn it. To date, more than 2,000 houses have been demolished, and more than 3,000 civilians have been killed. Israel is almost engaging in state terror, and international society should start to take action."

Israeli tank fire has killed more than 40 people demonstrating against the military operation in the camp.

The operation drew strong criticism from Turkey, a regional ally of Israel, with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying Israel was committing "state terror" and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul warning of a deterioration in ties.

On Friday, Gul complained that the situation in the Middle East was worsening and called for implementation of the Road Map so that the "atmosphere in the region is not poisoned further."

‘US complicity’
Claiming that Israel would not have been able to carry out this brutality without America’s support, Arinc said: "The U.S. administration is as responsible as Israel. Half of my words are directed at Israel, and the remaining half are meant for the United States. The United States should take immediate action to stop this brutality."

The U.N. Security Council issued a resolution condemning Israel with a 14-0 vote. In a rare move, the United States abstained and allowed the resolution to pass.

Arinc characterized the U.S. abstention in the U.N. Security Council as strange, adding that a parliamentary debate on northern Iraq was going to be held May 25 as a result of a joint request from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP). He went onto say that the current developments in Palestine were likely to be included in the debate.

This bloodshed should end
Speaking on Friday about statements he had made at the European parliamentary speakers’ conference in Strasbourg immediately prior to the Rafah incidents, Arinc said: "Democratic ideals are clear, but those ideals are overshadowed by the political interests of advanced states. When we look at incidents in the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans, we can see that democratic European countries are giving top priority not to democratic ideals but to their own political interests. Ask yourself: Where are we in democracy? Decide this on your own."

Noting that U.N. decisions are ineffective, Arinc said: "For the Middle East to turn into a peaceful place, there needs to be an end to this bloodshed. As long as blood is flowing in the region, we can speak about neither peace nor humanity nor freedom."