Arguments against those who oppose EU

No country acts on assumptions. Moreover, the implementation of the Copenhagen Criteria is necessary not only for joining the European Union, but also for Turkey’s own interests. Do we have to ignore torture or bring back capital punishment, just because "No matter what we do they’ll never let us in?" Should we stop respecting human rights?

2. The EU is trying to divide us

Firstly, the division of Turkey runs against the EU’s interests. If Turkey gets drawn into ethnic or religious conflict, it would become a source of instability for all of Europe. No country was ever divided after being admitted to the EU. Just the contrary, countries like Ireland and Spain utilized the prosperity and freedoms that membership brought in order to rid themselves of most of the separatist pressures.

3. It will be the end of Kemalism

The nationalists who united in the name of Kemalism, including extreme-nationalists, communists lead by Dogu Perincek, retired military officers, policemen and members of the judiciary, are utilizing the independence slogans of the 1970s to oppose the EU. They tend to ignore the world that is globalizing at a very fast pace and is in the process of mutual enrichment through cooperation, while opposing the EU membership process of Turkey, arguing that it would lead to division and loss of independence. They want Turkey to be closed to the outside world and be a land of prohibitions and ruled by the heavy fist of the state from Ankara.

They are right. The EU supports a system that is the complete opposite of such a Kemalism. The EU is the objective set by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Kemalist train of thought that designated the West as the objective will reach its crescendo with EU membership. The real Kemalism, not the abused version promoted by nationalists, will get stronger with the EU.

4. Our identity and culture will be lost

Just the opposite. The EU is especially sensitive about cultural variations of countries united under the common principles of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law. Member countries are able to protect their identity and culture. Consequently, when Turkey becomes a member, it will also protect its identity and culture and additionally have the opportunity to better promote its culture in the EU. It is impossible to say that the former Eastern Block members, who did not lose their identity or culture under soviet rule, will lose them after joining the EU that protects freedoms.

5. Lets join the EU with our heads held high

The preconditions of EU membership are set. Every country that wants to join the union has to adhere to these rules. Moreover, the EU is not forcing Turkey to become a member. That’s why it needs to fulfill all the rules, just like all the other candidates have. The opinion that due to it’s size, population, history, culture, religion and the level of economic development, the rules are being assessed more stringently for Turkey, may not be too far from the truth. However, if we look at the case of Spain, we’ll see that they encountered many pressures and hardships during their membership process, but decided stick by it, and they are the first to admit that the problems encountered in the past were compensated many times over after the country became a member. As a result, we should not act emotionally or turn the unfair or discriminatory treatment we think we are facing a matter of honor. We should behave in accordance with our long-term interests.

Conclusion: Both the EU and Turkey will change

Joining the EU means accepting a system and becoming a part of it. If you are happy the way Turkey has been governed for the last 75 years, there is nothing to say. You can oppose the EU, if you are one of those saying: "We are happy with the way we are living. Why are you creating trouble?"

If you are sick and tired of corruption and every political party implementing an economic-financial policy that is in its interests, if you want things to change, if you no longer want the state to be a revered institution and want it to be there to serve the people, if you want it to leave the economy alone and if you demand it to stop tempering with freedoms, you should support the EU.

You should not ignore what’s going on. You should try to become a part of it.

Don’t forget this:

The EU Turkey will join is not the EU of the 1980s that Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland joined. Funds made available to new members have shrunk. It has become a 25-member giant. The influence each member has has decreased.

Especially when we join, both the EU and Turkey will change considerably. However, Turkey will change more.

The EU is no longer the club that makes all newcomers rich. It has been transformed into a club every country that wants to become a leading player needs to join.

It’s up to you to decide.

However, when you make this decision, you need to think of your children and children’s children.