Annan plan aimed to displace Turks in Cyprus

LEFKOSA (AA) – President Rauf Denktas of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) said on Tuesday that Annan plan aimed indirect Enosis and to uproot Turkish Cypriots from the island.

Denktas said that he visited Istanbul on Monday and addressed a conference on what Annan plan meant for Greece and Greek Cypriot side.

Denktas said that young officers in Turkey were interested in Cyprus question, and that he saw that the officers discussed Cyprus question in details in academy.

Denktas said that he met with Chief of General Staff Gen. Hilmi Ozkok for half an hour, noting that he also had the opportunity to meet with retired chiefs of general staff and commanders who worked in Cyprus.

Denktas said that he was pleased over his visit to Turkey, stressing that he reiterated that they were struggling for freedom and existence of their state, and that coming elections was a matter of "protection of state" not a matter of who would be elected.