Ankara to warn Kurdish officials..

Diplomatic sources told A.A correspondent on Monday that Salih was expected to arrive in Ankara on January 16, 2004.

During his latest visit to Ankara between September 6 and 7, 2003, Salih met with Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Gul and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Ugur Ziyal.

The plan, which was submitted to the Iraqi interim Governing Council by Kurdish members is expected to be top agenda of Salih during his visit to Ankara. The plan envisages granting Kurds autonomy for the future administration model in Iraq.

In a statement he released in Suleymaniyah on December 24, Salih said that an administrative unit including three provinces in northern Iraq was envisaged in the plan, claiming that Kirkuk was a significant part of Kurdistan in regard to administration, geographical position and history.

Ankara is not positive about a federalism based on ethnic division in Iraq.

During his visit to Turkey last week, President Bashar Al-Asad of Syria said that they were opposed to all attempts jeopardizing Iraq’s territorial integrity.

Meanwhile, President Mohammad Khatami of Iran, during his meeting with Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Gul, said that destruction of Iraq’s territorial integrity would have a negative impact on regional countries.