Ankara To Extend Efforts To Find A Solution In Cyprus

Sources told the A.A correspondent on Wednesday that United Nations Secretary General Annan’s decision to put an end to his initiatives did not constitute an obstacle in front of resumption of talks between President Rauf Denktas of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos
Failure in talks in The Hague and the Greek Cypriot side’s progress in its European Union (EU) membership process have entailed Turkey to review the developments in Cyprus and develop a new policy about the new process in the island.
Ankara has serious concerns about future of relations with the EU after the Greek Cypriot side joins the EU.
Ankara has decided to maintain its efforts to find a solution to the Cyprus question.
Turkish officials reacted harshly to statement of the EU Commission that it would consider Turkey as occupying EU territory when the Greek Cypriot side joined the EU as a full member.
Diplomatic sources stressed, ”Turkish forces entered Cyprus in line with its responsibilities stemming from the guarantee agreement of 1960 in order to prevent Greek Cypriot side’s ethnic cleansing action against Turkish Cypriot people.”
Since Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot side could not reach a compromise over the plan of Annan, the 1960 agreements are still valid.