Ankara follows-up Iraqi Kurds

Ankara is following-up the bargaining between the Iraqi Kurds and the US administration over the formation of the Iraqi army.

According to the intelligence Ankara has received, Kurdish groups are sharply against the dispatch of Peshmerga fighters. The diplomatic circles claim, “it would not be a surprise if Kurdish people were charged at the top level of the military.”

The Kurdish groups, which had chance to carry out the existence of the Peshmergas under the interim Iraqi constitution, continue bargaining talks with the US administration. In addition, Iraqi Democratic Party (KDP) leader Massoud Barzani, who controls the majority of the Peshmergas, wants Peshmerga commanders to take place in the Iraqi general staff.

Although, the US sources, which have not yet confirmed the bargaining, state that the condition of the Peshmergas, whether they would be dispatched or not, is not yet certain, Ankara is worried about the armed forces activating under various ethnic-based parties to let Iraq divide.

Therefore, Ankara warns the US over Iraq’s division on account of the essence of the armed forces activating under the ethnical parties.

Another reason for Ankara’s anxiety is the large Turkmen population living in the region where Peshmergas are active.