Amnesty International: British Murdered Innocent Civilians

The Iraq Report released by AI in London on Monday states that soldiers in southern Iraq opened fire on a group of civilians, among which there was an 8-year old girl. The report then discloses that the army has not even bothered to investigate many of the incidents. It points out that the Iraqis were shot even though they did not constitute a threat. The report adds, "In the situations opened to the investigations, the military police acted in extreme secrecy; either they gave very little information to the relatives of the victims, or they gave none at all."

The organization also sent a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush expressing that ‘the violations’ in Abu Gharib Prison are war crimes. AI said that they have evidence that American officials have been mistreating detainees over the past two years in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was requested that the President punish those responsible without regard to his or her duty or rank.