Al Jazeera Aids in Turkish Hostages’ Release

Al Jazeera broadcast news of two Turkish companies’ decision to pull out of Iraq, and Yusuf Al Serif himself acted as translator for the owner of the company during the live broadcast. Al Jazeera also drew attention to the International Transporters Association’s decision to no longer carry American cargo.

The fact that Al Jazeera showed video of the anti-American demonstrations in Turkey during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Istanbul Summit was effective in securing the freedom of the Turkish hostages. Al Serif recalled the summit days, "We were in a constant hurry to shoot the Turkish people’s anti-NATO demonstrations. The General Director called me and said: "We can save these people, forget George Bush! Shoot the demonstrations. Later, the hostages were released."

Regarding criticisms concerning Al Jazeera being the first to broadcast videos of the hostages, Al Serif said, "We discussed this. If we did not broadcast them, then the AP and Reuters would have run them."