AL Bunni: US changed its attitude towards Syria

Amid discussions that the contacts with Syria and Iran harm Turkey’s strategic relations with the U.S., Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, to demonstrate that the Turkish government will continue peaceful efforts in the region, will visit Damascus tomorrow. The visit was planned just after the war, but, because of unexpected developments in northern Iraq, Gul had to postpone his Syria visit.

"It is very clear, the U.S. has changed its attitude towards Syria, as the dialog channels stay open the tension decreases," Syrian Ambassador to Ankara Mohammed Said Al Bunni told the Turkish Daily News in an exclusive interview.

"The war ended, and we have a harmed people in Iraq. We should now speak on helping these people. We should discuss how Iraq can be saved from the foreign invasion," stated Al Bunni.

The Syrian ambassador, responding to TDN’s question on the reason of the initial postponement of the visit, said, "Turkish officials have told us that the delay in Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul’s Syria visit was related to developments in northern Iraq. Despite allegations, it was then understood that this was true."

"Turkey and Syria relations depend on historic ties and these relations have been strengthening for many years. The governments of the two countries are trying to enhance the economic and political relations, which will serve the interests of the peoples of the two countries. The trade volume between the two states reached to $1.2 billion and we are trying to increase this. The conjuncture will help to develop our bilateral relations with Turkey, " added Al Bunni.

Asked by the TDN why Syria needed bilateral contacts in addition to the regional meetings that discussed peace in the region, Al Bunni said the solution of a problem cannot be found with only one meeting. "When we think as in science, for the treatment of an illness you should continue taking drugs for a long time," he said.

Responding to the question on what are the concerns of Syria regarding the structure of Iraq, Al Bunni said, "Our concerns were voiced in the final statement of the Riyadh meeting. The Riyadh meeting was the follow up of the Istanbul meeting. Our worries stated in the Riyadh meeting and these are still valid."

Asked whether Syria is uneasy because of the problems cast especially by the Shiites of Iraq, Al Bunni said that the centre of the Shiites are Iraq, and the people who live under the invasion, had reacted, adding, "I don’t think Iran is so effective on the Iraqi Shiites, this is the allegation of the enemies of the region."

"Our age is a globalization age and needs economic integration. Iraq’s possible division harms Iraqi people. Since, the ethnic populations in Iraq are like the fingers of a hand. Each has different functions and all these functions should continue. The cultural diversity shows the strength of Iraq," emphasized Al Bunni.

Bunni added, "But this reaction is because of the invasion of Iraq. Neither country or ethnic group want to live under invasion, I don’t know any people who do. There is an initiative in the world now that tries to make all regions of the world full of fear. In order to hamper this we should continue contacts bilaterally and multilaterally."

Al Bunni was asked what is Syria wanting from Turkey while the U.S. is settling in the Middle East. Does he think Turkey could stand by Syria and what is expected from Turkey?

"The faith of Turkey and Syria is common, this is not artificial. The two governments should act according to the wishes of their people. Syria always was in favor of peace efforts, and wants a fair and stable peace in the Middle East. The peoples of the region need peace not war. The international efforts that meet Syria’s stance should be evaluated as positive approaches," said Al Bunni.

Had relations with the U.S. improved and did U.S. administration’s approach towards Syria changed? U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell announced he is planning to visit Syria.

"The war relates to us the failure, the first victim is real in any war. The Istanbul meeting emphasized the importance of serving to peace. If we fail to hamper war, this paves the way to disastrous results," said Al Bunni.

Responding to the question on their expectations in Iraq, Al Bunni said, "The invasion forces should comply with the Geneva Convention. Stability and security in Iraq should be guaranteed as soon as possible. Elections should be held and a government should be established, and an independent Iraq should be formed."

Asked whether he thought the Iraq war was the start of redesign of the region for the U.S., Al Bunni stated, "The U.S. is planning to seize the region to continue its hegemony. The U.S. may consider the interests of its economy but, on the other hand, should respect our life. All the results have some side effects. We believe that the Iraqi people should not live under foreign invasion in our time. The U.S. itself also says they don’t want to stay in Iraq long, we hope that the U.S. demonstrates this."