AIDS prostitute’s clients testing positive for HIV

Some of the men who had engaged in sexual relations with the Ukrainian woman went to private clinics and doctors for testing but doctors have not disclosed the number of men who took the test.

Erzurum Numune Hospital officials said that 12 men have taken the ELIZA test in the last two days and that 11 of them tested positive. Some people went to other cities for ELIZA testing, not wanting to be identified in Erzurum.

Erzurum police, acting on a tip-off, raided a hotel on Sunday in the Golbasi neighborhood and detained Topar, 27, and two other Ukrainian women who were found to have had sex with hundreds of Turks. During a medical examination at Erzurum Numune Hospital, Topor was discovered to have both HIV and Hepatitis-C.

During interrogations, the Ukrainian woman confessed that she had had sex with 1,335 men over a three-month period and had engaged in relations with on average 10-15 men every day. She added that she had listed the names of the men with whom she had sex in a small notebook. Topor stated that she had been unaware that she was carrying the HIV virus.

Health officials then urged the men who had sex with Topar to come forward for medical examinations, saying that the symptoms of the disease could manifest themselves from between one to 15 years after the fact. Stressing that a single test was not sufficient to detect the disease, he called on the men in question to have several medical examinations in the upcoming days. Health officials also said that those who had engaged in sexual relations with Topar should also be tested regularly over the next few years. By Monday afternoon, two men had applied to the City Health Board for ELIZA testing.