After Capture of Saddam

On the date of December 14, 2003 Sunday, news agencies and media institutions received important news. Saddam Hussein was captured in a two-roomed mudhole where he was hiding at Tikrit, the place he was born. It was announced that approximately 600 US soldiers were participated the operation of capture. After this news, competent US authorities showed the pictures of Saddam that were taken just after capturing. Highest authorities made declarations about the event including US President George Bush.

These were the official sides of capturing. The information that had not been confirmed by the official authorities and needing confirmation became to clear. It was varying from denunciation of Saddam by his relatives and close followers to information, which had been collected by the phone conversations of him with his ex-wife in Jordan. Many speculations can be done about the topic.

However, it is necessary to accept that as result of the chase operations since the day that the possession of Iraq was taken, the circle around Saddam, who had the possibility of escaping to Tikrit region, was becoming tighter each day. Whether it was done by denunciation or by outcome of the information, the capture of Saddam Hussein is an important psychological advantage for the coalition powers and Americans.

Even though, it had been nearly 8 months since the fall of Baghdad and many had been captured and killed, it had been confusing that the overthrown leader Saddam couldn’t been caught. Particularly, the thesis that Saddam Hussein had been at the back of the resistance to coalition powers, had been concealing the success of America against Saddam psychologically.

New questions are put on the agenda by the capture. The images on televisions, which are being published by the permission of American authorities, form an exhausted and trifling picture of Saddam. Some of the Iraqis who saw this picture rushed out to streets and made demonstration because of gladness. If the ones that are scaring from Saddam are considered, this situation has positive effect on public, and it may mean a support to new government, which is directed by America, by a part of the society. In addition, it can be accepted as a facilitating factor for coalition powers.

However, the other side of the shield is very clear when we look at the pictures of Saddam. The Saddam in the pictures cannot be the man who organized the Iraq resistance. In this case, different powers and ideas must be searched at the back of the resistance. This case put forward the fact that USA is against a national resistance showing that the duty of the coalition powers is not easy.

Another question coming out after the capture of Saddam is the trial procedure. Even if it is early to tell something certain, possibilities can be thought. Three alternatives are underscored.

1- ) To be judged in Iraqi courts
2- ) Taken to USA to be judged in American courts as the ones caught at Afghanistan
3- ) To be judged in international courts as war criminal.

The first two options show that Americans will direct the trial. Third option can be named as the least possible one because; this will mean the discussion about legitimating of the war. Yes, Saddam behaved cruelly and oppressed his people. However, the reasons of the war of America and England are not in the statue of legality yet. The claims put forward about armament and the facts up to today are thought this possibility seems hard.

The capture of Saddam and the pictures not only put these questions forward but also give such conclusion: Saddam Hussein could not be a leader. He could be a cruel monarch by taking the power of Iraq people by tricks.

If else, he would know to die by his honor. There are many examples about rulers who died by their honors after a defeat in a war. God did not grant an honorary dead to Saddam Hussein because of the things he had done to his people.