Abbas: Let’s End Vicious Circle with Ceasefire

The successor to the legendary Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Abbas called on Israel for a mutual ceasefire and a final peace agreement. Abbas made a speech after a ceremony held at Palestinian Legislation Council in Ramallah saying: "We condemn both the operations of Israeli occupying powers and the reactions of some Palestinian groups. This does not bring the calm required for a reliable and serious peace process. We request a mutual ceasefire to end this vicious circle." However, as Abbas was making his call, Israeli troops were penetrating the Gaza Strip and killed four Palestinians, one of whom is a police officer, and demolished two houses. Israeli soldiers also killed two Palestinians in a refugee camp. Three Palestinians and six Israelis died in a bomb attack and a clash by Palestinians on the Karni checkpoint at the Gaza Strip last Thursday night. Israel had responded with a helicopter attack.Appealing to the Israeli people too in his speech, Abbas said, "We are two people destined to live side by side and to share this territory between us." Noting that peace as a permanent solution can be reached only through cooperation, Abbas emphasized they have offered their hands to Israel for peace: "However, cooperation occurs not with words, but with actions. Peace cannot be established through temporary solutions." Expressing that he would continue a dialogue with every part of society, Abbas noted that he depends on the "road map" peace plan supported by the US and wants negotiations with Israel to restart as soon as possible.

Israel reported that Abbas frustrated them by not touching the issue of terrorism in his speech. Israel had decided to suspend relations with Palestine after the attack organized last Thursday night. The Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Quray announced yesterday that Israel’s decision to freeze relations with the new Palestinian administration after the attack at the Gaza Strip was a "search for excuses". Quray stressed that some marginal groups in both Palestine and Israel want to block the efforts for peace, but it would be wrong to give them that opportunity.