
A postal worker forced to work in extreme heat dies in Turkey

Record high temperatures since early July are threatening the health and lives of workers, especially those forced to work in unsafe conditions.

Berran Özen Kırmızıgül (42), a postal worker from the state-owned Turkish Post (PTT), was hospitalized on Monday after she collapsed due to sunstroke while delivering mail in the western city of Izmir, one of the hottest provinces in Turkey. Kırmızıgül, who reportedly suffered a brain hemorrhage, could not be saved, and died.

Berran Özen Kırmızıgül [Photo: @isigmeclisi on Twitter]

The air temperature in Izmir on Monday was as high as 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 Fahrenheit). Experts say working outdoors in this heat, especially between 11 am and 3 pm, is dangerous for health. In particular, workers in agriculture, construction, municipalities, mail delivery, shipyards, ports and cleaning can face the danger of sunstroke.

Occupational safety expert Cafer Fidan, chairman of the Asbestos and Hazardous Waste Association (ASTA), said that body temperature regulating systems are severely undermined for workers laboring in extremely hot weather. He warned that this poses deadly risks.

Fidan said that working and resting hours should be planned according to these conditions, stating, “Work should be stopped when the sensed temperature exceeds 41 Celsius degrees. Work between 37-41 Celsius degrees should be organized accordingly, working hours should be shortened and rest periods should be increased.”

An article by public health expert Dr. Hazal Cansu Çulpan published on T24 pointed out that extreme heat affects vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with comorbidities, as well as the workers more. Çulpan wrote:

People with low socioeconomic status are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of heat for a number of reasons. The higher prevalence of chronic diseases among these people, the fact that their jobs require more physical activity, poorer housing conditions, and difficulties in accessing treatment are some of the reasons why they are in the risk group.

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