Poland announces full backing for Turkey’s EU bid

"We have seen Poland’s backing once again by our side, I want to emphasize this," Gul told reporters after talks with Foreign Minister of Poland Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz in Warsaw.

EU hopeful Turkey is awaiting a decision that will come out of an EU summit in December on whether or not to start accession talks in the first half of 2005. Poland is slated to officially become a member on May 1.

"We will lend support to Turkey’s membership perspective. Continuation of the EU’s enlargement is beneficial not only for us but for all members as well, and Turkey is an important partner in that regard," Cimoszewicz said.

While in Warsaw Gul was received by President Alexander Kwasniewski, Prime Minister Leszek Miller and Acting Parliament Speaker Tomasz Nalecz. He said President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc were set to visit Poland in the coming months to contribute to efforts to further improve bilateral ties.

In addition to the EU membership processes of the two countries, Gul and Polish officials discussed ways to improve economic ties by boosting mutual investment and improving tourism.