
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan wrote a quite strict and binding letter to convince the parties: ‘a solution before May 1, is not only for the advantage of the parties involved but also for the advantage of international peace and security. This is the only way for a united Cyprus to join the EU. This will also concretize the rapprochement between Turkey and Greece and will also strengthen the prospect of starting accession talks between Turkey and the EU.’ The message is clear: the way to the EU goes through Cyprus! Even if Ankara tries to disconnect the date for accession talks from the Cyprus problem, one side of the knot is in the Hands of Kofi Annan. This was also a result of the policy of ‘going one step ahead’ by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which he mentioned in his meeting with Kofi Annan at the summit in Davos. But when Annan sent a seven-page letter saying to Ankara that ‘there will be no change in the parameters of the plan,’ the government’s policy went two steps forward and one step back. Annan doesn’t want a change in the ‘parameters’ of the plan. Even the invitation to both sides means that both sides will go for a referendum. Kofi Annan will fill in the blanks. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Rauf Denktas considers it as an imposition. The uncertainty about Turkey being a guarantor and about moving the troops from the island increases National Security Council’s (MGK) doubts on supporting a solution based on the plan. The General Staff is uneasy.

It is interesting that Erdogan called US President George W. Bush to convey his concerns. However both Erdogan and Gul were saying that Annan’s provisions put forward to start negotiations won’t be a ‘surprise’ and that they are close to a solution in Cyprus. If our steps are planned, then there’s no problem: Cyprus will be solved until May 1 and Turkey’s road to the EU would be opened.“