Israel sent fighter jets after a Turkish research vessel, according to a report

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sent fighter jets after a seismic research vessel in the eastern Mediterranean, according to a report published by Turkish media on Friday.

According to the report, quoted by the Turkish daily ‘Today’s Zaman’ and based on information from newspaper ‘Vatan’, two F-15 Israeli Air Force took off to follow the Turkish ship on the night of Thursday, surpassing the airspace of Cyprus and Turkish Cypriot.

The document adds that Israeli planes approached the ship arrived despite warnings from Turkish Cypriot forces, according to which the aircraft invaded the airspace of the territory. The report also notes that Turkey sent two fighter jets F-16 aircraft to locate the Israelis, who had already returned to their airspace.

Furthermore, this report indicates that a helicopter of the Israel Defense Forces (IAF) flying over the ship Piri Reis while on the field gas company Aphrodite, off the coast of southern Cyprus, near the field of natural gas Leviathan as reported by the Israeli daily Haaretz.

The incident took place at a time when relations between Turkey and Israel continue to deteriorate because of the Jewish refusal to apologize for the murder of nine Palestinian activists during the boarding in international waters of the "Freedom Flotilla ‘by Israeli Navy last year.