Cyprus problem in 2003

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Council of Ministers held an extraordinary meeting on April 24 and took a historical decision on making passages between TRNC and Greek Cypriot side free. Greek Cypriot National Council convened on April 22 and stated that it did not recognize the decision on free passages of TRNC, but that it would not prevent the passages.

The decision of TRNC Council of Ministers was published in Official Gazette on April 22 and free passages between TRNC and Greek Cypriot side started under some certain rules on April 23.

On the contrary to the expectations, Greek Cypriots crowded in front of the border gates, instead of Turkish Cypriots. The number of Greek Cypriots who proceeded to TRNC reached 30 thousand in the first two weeks.

TRNC Council of Ministers decided to allow accommodation of Greek Cypriots at hotels in TRNC for three days on April 29.

Greek Cypriot officials were uneasy with Greek Cypriots’ intensive passages to TRNC and their accommodation at TRNC hotels. Greek Cypriot deputies presented a draft law envisaging two years of imprisonment and fine punishment to Greek Cypriots who stayed at hotels that were formerly owned by Greek Cypriots in TRNC.

TRNC Council of Ministers took a series of decisions before the visit of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to TRNC on May 9. In accordance with the decisions, some restrictions that TRNC had been putting on U.N. Peace Keeping Force since July 2000 were lifted. It was envisioned to give scholarship to Greek Cypriot students in TRNC universities, but the number would be determined later. Telecommunication Directorate was given the authority to launch initiative to establish communication with Greek Cypriot side. It was stated that GSM companies in TRNC would be encouraged for making "roaming" agreements with Greek Cypriot side. It was decided to carry on activities to develop trade between two sides.


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Ledra Palace Border Gate in his visit to TRNC on May 9. He proceeded till buffer zone (green line) and talked with some Greek Cypriots who were waiting for entrance to TRNC.

Greek Cypriot administration announced its "measures" against Turkish Cypriots on April 30 and presented them to European Union (EU) Commission on June 3 as well. TRNC described EU package as "the package which have Greek Cypriot patent".

EU Commissioner for Enlargement Guenter Verheugen visited Greek Cypriot side and TRNC on June 17 and 18 and said that Greek Cypriot side would enter EU in May 2004 without taking political problem into consideration.

Turkey decided to pay compensation to Greek Cypriot Titina Louzidou in June and paid it on December 2.


Barter and Compensation Law, which TRNC had prepared with the support of Turkey and European Commission to solve property problem by the method of compensation and barter, went into effect on July 1. Greek Cypriot administration tried to prevent its citizens’ applications to the commission.

Denktas sent a letter to Annan on July 11 and suggested opening of Lefkosa International Airport and closed Maras region to common usage under the control of the United Nations. Papadopoulos rejected the suggestion of Denktas by describing it as "tactic".

Greek Cypriot Parliament approved on July 14 EU membership convention which was signed on April 16.

Denktas suggested clearing of mines from Lefkosa and surrounding region where free passages were made intensively on July 24.

Turkey-TRNC Partnership Council meeting was held in Girne and following the meeting, two countries signed Customs Union Agreement on August 8. TRNC formed an office which would deal with real properties of Turkish Cypriots that were left in Greek Cypriot side and the office started its activities on September 4.

The United States put pressure on sides for mutual cancellation of military exercises that were held annually in Cyprus and "Toros" and "Nikiforos" exercises were not held. Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou met with officials of leftist political parties of TRNC in Ledra Palace on September 10 during his visit to Greek Cypriot side.


Former Greek Cypriot leader Glafcos Clerides told Greek Cypriot press on September 28 that they had information about Annan Plan before it was presented and added that they had interventions to the plan to make changes in favor of themselves.

Clerides also said that four Islamic countries had announced that they would recognize TRNC, but Greek Cypriot side and the United Nations prevented this. He confessed on November 30 that they applied the tactic of not accepting anything during the talks and putting the responsibility on Turkish Cypriot side and this tactic carried them to EU membership.

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan’s Cyprus Special Envoy Alvaro De Soto told Greek Cypriot press on October 12 that the United Nations was wrong about the attitude of Greek Cypriots on Annan Plan and they did not take into consideration Greek Cypriots’ will for return.

Papadopoulos said on November 23 that he would not have signed Annan Plan even if Denktas had signed it during the meetings in The Hague on March 10 and 11.


Prime Minister Erdogan visited TRNC on November 15 to attend the celebration ceremonies of the 20th foundation anniversary of TRNC.

Erdogan said during his speech that the openings of Turkish Cypriot side should not be wasted and stressed that the solution in Cyprus could be provided with equality and acceptance of realities by everybody.

Erdogan also met with officials of political parties separately at Saray Hotel.


The United States, EU, the United Nations, Britain and Greek Cypriot side made various interventions in Parliamentary elections which were held in TRNC on December 14.

Seven parties joined the elections and four parties were elected. Republican Turkish Party (CTP) sent 19, National Unity Party (UBP) 18, Democrat Party (DP) 7 and Democracy Movement (BDH) 6 deputies to Parliament. Left wing parties sent 25 deputies and right wing parties also sent 25 deputies to Parliament after the elections and they concentrated on forming the government. UBP-DP government presented its resignation to Denktas on December 16.

TRNC President Rauf Denktas designated CTP leader Mehmet Ali Talat to form a new government.