Turkey Mobilizes to Help Iran

Other aid supplies, such as tents, blankets, food, electrical devices, and kitchen utensils were conveyed overland with 8 transport trucks.

Red Crescent General Director Ertan Gonen pointed out that they sent enough aid supplies for 10 thousand people.

The Ministry of Health also sent a medical team of 30 volunteers to Iran. Health Care Minister Recep Akdag stated that the team consisted of 14 doctors, 12 medical officers, 3 environmental health technicians, and 1 technologist. The team is bringing with 6 tons of medical supplies with them. Akdag reported that they could send more staff if necessary.

In addition to AKUT (Turkey’s search-and-rescue team), other rescue and medical teams from Kocaeli and Bursa, consisting of 30 people, decided to go to Iran.

President Ahmet Necdet Sezer called the Iranian President last night, offered his condolences and asked about the emergency needs.

Prime Minister Erdogan offered his condolences to the Iranian administration and he reported that they would do whatever they could to help.

The chair of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) Bulent Arinc also sent a message of condolence to the Iranian President of the assembly, Mehdi Kerrubi, stating his great sympathy.