“UN’s Cyprus plan-based efforts risky and false”

ANKARA (AA) – If the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) continues to follow the former understanding on this problem and tries to accord with the Greek side through pressure and imposition, the reconciliation between the parties can be reached neither until May 1, nor December 2004, TRNC ambassador to Ankara Ahmet Zeki Bulunc said in a special interview with Turkish news line.

Stating that the TRNC public said ‘yes’ to reconciliation in the last week’s polls but ‘only if TRNC public’s own existence and sovereignty is protected,’ Bulunc said the other significant message of the elections had been the public’s appraisal of President Rauf Denktas. “Although this was not a Presidency election, President Rauf Denktas was appraised in the polls,” Bulunc said.

Speaking of early elections, he said, “If the parties continue their current determined approach to the issue, and when we consider that the two political parties’ failing structures to formulate a coalition government, I think that an early election may be brought on the agenda.”

In response to a question regarding the Turkish government’s approach to the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Cyprus plan, Bulunc said it would not be right to make a comment only through what has been reflected to the press, adding, “however,, we believe that it would be wrong, risky and disadvantageous process for Turkey and TRNC to take UN blueprint as a basis for more talks."