Cyprus: Denktas won’t negotiate Annan plan

Replying to questions of reporters, Denktas said he never said he was against the EU, adding that, "application of Greek Cypriot side to the EU is a political one. It is an illegal application. It is an application made to remove Turkey’s rights on Cyprus and to leave us naked. It is a trick. I said the EU should not be deceived. Why will we oppose to Turkey’s accession to the EU?"

Denktas said putting Cyprus question as an obstacle in front of Turkey was unacceptable, stating that Turkey had prevented Enosis (union with Greece) and genocide in Cyprus. He said Cyprus issue should be put as an obstacle in front of Greek Cypriot side which created the problem.

Denktas said a trick was made to give Cyprus to Greece indirectly, and noted that Annan plan was a tool for this. He said, "the voices coming from the EU, unjust attacks and so much intervention to the elections naturally shook our confidence in the EU. EU itself should solve this problem."

Denktas said U.S., U.N. and British officials, who made statements following TRNC elections, stated that the people took decision on the way to the EU. Denktas said some of the people cast their votes to other parties as a reaction to their parties and without thinking of referendum, but that there were also some people who cast votes by thinking referendum.

Noting that a party was specially set up for the EU with the money of the EU prior to elections and that this party got only two percent of votes, Denktas said, "those are the votes which TRNC people gave to the party ‘defending union with Greek Cypriot side and EU without condition’. Those should be evaluated well."

Addressing people of Anatolia, Denktas said, "people of Anatolia should not be offended with us by considering the results of elections. The election was only to settle outstanding accounts with each other."

Replying to a question, Denktas said no timetable was set yet regarding his meeting with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, however noted that a meeting would take place within 1-2 weeks.

Denktas also said they did not think of a situation that would replace U.N. good will mission, adding that U.N. Secretary General’s good will mission was beneficial yet that mandate of the Secretary General should change.