Turkey: February 28 Crypto To Washington

Starting from February 28, 1997 there had been an increasing tension between the coalition government of the Prosperity and True Path Parties (RP and DYP) and circles that strongly defended secularism. This tension culminated in June 1997. Necmettin Erbakan, the leader of RP, who had been occupying the post of the Prime Ministry with his Islamist identity, resigned on June 18 and Turkey had a narrow escape from a de facto coup. Hurriyet captured different cryptos bearing “secret and urgent” stamp, which were sent from U.S. Embassy in Ankara to Washington.

June 12, 1997
All cryptos bear the name of Frank Ricciardone, the Embassy Undersecretary. June 12 crypto stated; The Turkish Joint Staff threatened to use force so as to protect secularism and democracy.

The crypto deems the briefing of Generals Cetin Saner and Fevzi Turkeri to the press as the sharpest message ever given by the Turkish Joint Staff to Turkish Islamists.

June 14, 1997
This crypto tells; The Erbakan-Ciller government approached one more step to its collapse. But our sources are giving information that changes every hour.

June 16, 1997
The crypto stated that the statements of then-State Secretary Madeleine Albright and department Spokesman Richard Burns that no one should transgress the Constitution and that U.S. supported secular and democratic system had repercussions in the media. However the Army had not displayed any reaction yet.

June 17, 1997
This secret and urgent crypto stated that most of the Turkish observers believed that Erbakan would resign on June 18.

June 18, 1997
The crypto states that Erbakan submitted his resignation letter to then-President Suleyman Demirel, who would immediately start contacts with political leaders for a new government.

June 19, 1997
This crypto said that following the resignation of Erbakan everything was uncertain because Ankara was unprepared since no one could guess what Erbakan would do until the very last moment.

June 20, 1997
This crypto stated that Mesut Yilmaz, then-leader of the Motherland Party (ANAP), was charged with founding the new government, however this was a difficult task to accomplish.