Denktas: US wants to make Cyprus a Greek island

Denktas stated that the United States should openly say what it wanted to do and said, "we want a big state, a leader state, rights. We want them to obey principles of justice and not to take sides. We want them to behave in a balanced way and not to be beside the Greek Cypriots."

TRNC Presidential Undersecretary Ergun Olgun would convey his message to U.S. State Department’s Special Coordinator for Cyprus Thomas Weston, who was holding meetings in TRNC, Denktas stated.

Denktas went on saying, "our message is very simple. Those who back the Greek Cypriot administration, which is not the legal government of Cyprus, as the legal Cyprus government have obstructed and prevented solution of Cyprus issue. There is need for equal treatment towards sides for settlement of an issue."

"And, also a partnership republic founded by two equal sides under 1960 treaties is in question. Recognizing a side which demolished the partnership republic and tried to own whole Cyprus by burying us in mass graves as legal government of whole Cyprus was the biggest mistake and injustice. They have tried to assemble us over this injustice and mistake. Cyprus issue is not an issue which can be settled by efforts of foreigners," Denktas said.

Denktas noted that Turkish Cypriots who were left without any state for 20 years founded their own state after the Greek Cypriot side was treated as the "legal government of Cyprus."

Turkish Cypriot people were told that ‘their state was illegal’, Denktas said. He stated that nobody knew that on which law that statement was based.

Denktas went on saying, "therefore, it is seen that the United States, which has recognized the Greek Cypriot administration as the legal government of Cyprus, insists on making Cyprus a Greek island and puts pressure on us which will force us to accept this. We are reacting to this. They say ‘you can’t do this.’ We are telling them to consider the legal situation and to look at the realities."

"When we tell them to look at the realities, they tell us ‘not to live in the past.’ When we tell them to consider the legal situation, Mr. Weston says that ‘Cyprus issue is not a legal issue.’ If the past and the laws are not to be taken into consideration, what do they want to do against the lie to illegitimately consider one of the sides as the legal government of whole Cyprus? They should openly say this. We want a big state, a leader state, rights. We want them to obey principles of justice and not to take sides. We want them to behave in a balanced way and not to be beside the Greek Cypriots," Denktas noted.

When recalled about the meetings that U.S. Ambassador in the Greek Cypriot side Michael Klosson held in different places of TRNC regarding Annan plan, Denktas said that this was a necessity of U.S. policy and an ambassador could not do any other thing than instructions given to him/her by the center.

Denktas underlined that that instruction was wrong and unjust, adding, "this instruction means that a big state like the United States takes sides besides Greek Cypriot administration which has violated human rights in Cyprus for years and which is responsible for mass graves. It shows that injustice will continue. Turkish Cypriots are a nation which has resisted to injustice for years. And, it is still forced to continue its resistance."