He has worked for peace in Vietnam and Palestine, and he currently works in London as an editor for the journal New Left Review. I once interviewed him just after Sept. 11. After speaking with Iraqi exiles, he wrote on the US war in Iraq in his new book. ‘If you want to know how Iraqi children really see the invasion, look them straight in the eye!’ he writes.

Turkey is preparing to send soldiers to Iraq. According to Ali, the occupation is still crawling along. He thinks a broader national resistance might rise in the future. If the Iraqi Communist Party, some Kurdish organizations and Shiites join up the resistance, wouldn’t this frustrate the US’ plans to stay in Iraq indefinitely? In his book, Ali also writes about Iraq’s being divided up ‘de facto.’ He thinks the rising resistance to the occupation will cause Iraq’s Balkanization. He also emphasizes the future of 2 million Kurds living in Baghdad. As we consider sending troops to our troubled neighbor, this book is an indispensable guide.”