Erdogan: Nobody is After a Religious State

Erdogan said, "You cannot trespass on people’s personal freedom. To defend freedom of religion and conscience never meant establishing a religious state. There is no meaning to say such things repeatedly in front of people."

Erdogan said he found Ozkaya’s words unpleasant and negative. Speaking at the opening of the legislative year, Ozkaya stated that 1982 Constitution should be completely changed since it is the source of most of the problems in Turkey and added that a new constitution meeting society’s expectations should be created.

Ozkaya said that he wanted to start the new legislative year with a new constitution or at least the preparations for a new constitution, which gives priority to individuals not to the state, and realizes a democracy that is secular, pluralist, participatory, and liberal.

Ozkaya, who supports a plan to limit the President’s authorities, stressed that Constitution articles concerning the President’s ability to appoint the chief and members of the Supreme Court should be changed.

Believing that in a state with the rule of law, judicial control should be included in every establishment. Ozkaya demanded that the Constitution article, which keeps the Supreme Military Council (YAS) outside of judicial control, should be repealed.