"Turkey should not only come Iraq with military”

Stating that there is a complex structure in the region, he said, “For this reason, Turkey must pay attention to Iraq for, at first, its own security and then the national interests, commerce and politics."

Comez said the Iraqis like the Turkish soldiers but have also some expectations.

Stating that the Iraq public does not want the Turkish deployment together with the occupying forces, Comez said the Turkish troops must show maximum effort to provide the security.


Warning Turkish soldiers on the high provocation possibility in the region, Comez said, “The aim of the Turkish government visiting region is the coordination of the two hospitals to be built by Turkey. We have prepared the infrastructure regarding the construction of these hospitals.”

Stating that the Iraqis had to face so much pain during the Saddam era, Comez said that the country did not make any investment in health sector. “The US officials do not also put projects forward to solve this problem. That’s why, these people are expecting Turkey to help them.”

Noting that several Health Ministry officials from Iraq will visit Turkey some 15 days later, Comez said, “I believe that Turkey will regain its prestige in the eyes of the Middle East, Islamic world, the US and the European Union countries."

Meanwhile, the delegation, which departed for Baghdad a week ago to have contacts for reconstructing the region, returns Turkey today.

The mission formed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputies Turhan Comez and Cevdet Erdol, businessmen, technical personnel and the engineers, had signed a protocol for the construction of two Turkish hospitals to be built in Baghdad and Kirkuk, and contacts in Necef.