The 21st World Philosophy Congress in Turkey

World-reknowned philosopher Professor Ionna Kucuradi, President of the Turkish Philosophy Association Society and the International Philosophy Organizations Federation, stated that for the first time the congress is being held in a city where two continents meet. Kucuradi said this year’s main topic was ‘Philosophy Against World Problems’, and subtopics included ‘violence’, ‘war and peace’, and ‘human rights’.

One hundred papers will be presented at 20 meetings during the Congress, which also features the participation of several statesmen, including the former President of the Bulgarian Republic Jelyu Zhelev and the former President of the Turkish Republic Suleyman Demirel. President Ahmet Necdet Sezer will make the opening address, offering his view of the relationship between politics and philosophy. Prime Minister Erdogan will also be at the Center, but not to attend the Congress. His son is getting married at the Center on Sunday. Associate Professor Yusuf Ornek, a member of the organizing committee, commented, "We contacted both security officials and the personnel in charge of the wedding salon. We do not expect any problems."

Most Participants American

Two hundred and fifty American philosophers will participate in the Congress, and 200 Russian philosophers will arrive on a chartered ship which will also serve as their hotel while they are in Istanbul. The Russians will cruise the Aegean after the Congress. Prof. Kucuradi underlined the importance of the Congress for Turkey, saying, "Some of the participants are right now visiting the birth-places of Ionian philosophy: Ephesus, Pergamon, Miletos, Hittite Hattusas, and Cappadocia. After the symposium, we will have more organized visits. From this perspective, the people who come to the Congress are going to know Turkey better."

World-famous philosophers such as Jurgen Habermas, Gianni Vattimo, Iris Young, Jelyu Zhelev, Agness Heller, Seyla Benhabib and Otfried Hoffe will attend the Congress, discussing subjects such as clarification, post-modern thought, science, ethics and technology, philosophical problems, globalization, cultural identity, human rights, and the state and the new international order.