Saddam’s heirs laid to rest at ousted leader’s..

Ousted dictator’s sons, Uday and Qusay, along with his grandson 14-year-old Mustapha were laid to rest at the cemetery of Awja, the home village of Saddam Hussein.
During the funeral ceremony, US soldiers took tight security measures to prevent any possible protest or attack.
Iraqi Red Crescent Chief in Tikrit, Abid Bakir, "The bodies were brought to Tikrit airport at 07.30 (local time) by helicopters. I also met the members of tribe, their uncles. Following the funeral ceremony as required by Islamic rules, we burried them. Everthing lasted around 11.30. I cautined their relatives and tribe members to keep secret this."
Karim Suleiman al-Majid, an uncle, and tribal chieftains of Saddam’s family, Mohammed al-Nada and Ali al-Nada, attended the funeral along with 150 people.